Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mass Meetup 2/17/08

Great fun all around when (from L-R) Cherie(Pie), Anjanette (Apolonia), Melissa (rootmartin), Joy (chambejd), and Liz(abeth86) hooked up for our first ever BookObsessed Mass. Meetup at the Olive Garden in Marlborough.

Notoriously absent were terra57 (sick w/flu), herbwench (also sick with flu), and Ixion (celebrating Chinese New Year in Boston). They better make it for the next one, planned for sometime in April up in Salem. w00t w00t! Celebrating 2


Lauren said...

Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing the picture :)

Kel said...

Hi all!!! Thanks for sharing the pic!

Anj, your hair looks so cute!!!

Sheila said...

Hey I just saw this. Great pic of you gals.
damn! I wish there was a meet up closer to us.