Sunday, April 22, 2007

More Questions...okay...Ri is the only one asking any

We are having some of that discussion now! Think having BookCrossing incorporating, Cliff’s Wishlist, LiveJournal, cataloging (librarything, BookLibrary, ) etc. Also, they are looking at partnerships: Panera Bread, Target, Barnes and Noble, etc. I really want Cherie to talk to RBSG about BookRelay!

They have a fairly big feature list: I believe Redsoxbookguy will be posting the feature list and soliciting feedback.

Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 9:45 AM
Subject: What's new at Bookcrossing?


So they said there'd be an unveiling of sorts at the convention.  What's the new whatnot at Bookcrossing?

Oh, and how is the hangover? ;)



I'm addicted! Make the whole world a library!



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