Tuesday, April 17, 2007

One more day till we leave....

I have work tomorrow and then I'll get everything packed to leave on Thursday! Here are my books for wild releasing. Some came from needmorezoloft, some from me, and some from my mom. I think we'll be making a lot of stops!


Kel said...

Geez, to release that many we'll have to throw them out the window as we drive past!! LOL

Unknown said...

Some of them are romances...I won't object to that method, lol.

noumena12 said...

Hey...if they are Contemporary Romances or Romantic Suspense that I HAVEN'T read...save them for me! :)

Lauren said...

Anything with a pink cover goes to Nou!!!!


Leilani said...

Any of them that are from me, feel free to do whatever with them... like if y'all want 'em... grab 'em.
I think most of them sucked! So tossin' them out the window wouldn't be that bad of an idea. ;)

Unknown said...

I think I already have most of those in a bag for you, nou, but I'll go back and make sure I didn't miss any pink covers!